Hi, I'm Simon and this is my website


Here are a few of my many projects!
Click on the images to view the source code or visit my Github
where you will find everything I've done in the last 2 years :)

Hearts of Iron 4 Mod


Me and my friend modified our favorite game
By adding a new nation to HOI4



We were given a list of events to display
and sort by multiple criteria

Written in javascript with HTML / CSS

Stock tracker


I am fascinated by the stock market
So I made a tool to display stock prices

Written in java

diep.io clone


I cloned my favorite browser game in java
with the help of the java fxgl library

Written in java



A little game to grade our skills in javafx

Written in java

Btrylclothing webshop


A friend of mine needed a webshop
So I mad him one!

Written in javascript with HTML / CSS

about me

I am a third-year student at Informatikmittelschule Baden

We are taught Java at school, which makes it the language I am the most confident with.

However, during my freetime I have startet several projects involving other languages,
especially JavaScript and Python

I am currently looking for a one-year internship to finish my four years of school


You can contact me via mail, github or linkedIn, if that's your thing.
Links to everything: